Andres Monteagudo

In his most recent work, retroceso-el sueño dormido- [retreat-the dormant sleep-], Andrés Monteagudo has chosen to handle a complex system of markedly conceptual artistic procedures, operations and strategies in order to explore some of his most recurrent aesthetic concerns and expressive obsessions: his reflections on the complex relationship between man and space, understood as different planes of reality, where reverie and an oneiric imagination act as catalysts for the cognitive process.

 Andres Monteagudo’s drawings are linear representations of negative and positive space. His work consists of wires on canvas, which seemingly lead to a tension within space and geometric dimensions. Each line seems to escape the horizon defying the limits of the canvas, making them appear three-dimensional and endless. The vertical and horizontal lines symbolize an undercurrent of mathematical conclusions about the physical world and man’s relationship with it.

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