Ana De Orbegoso
Ana De Orbegoso is an artist born in Peru whose interdisciplinary artistic practice explores different aspects of the individual or social psyche with popular iconography and situations on stage. Its objective is to confront the viewer with a mirror, to awaken recognition, thought and memory.
For the artist, identity and gender are reflections always present in her artistic production.
Neo Huacos
Our huaco faces, all of them, transcending time. For that reason, today they are excited, they smile, they are amazed, they question themselves ... Are we these faces, those, the others? Have we embraced the mud of these faces modeled by hands from these same lands centuries ago? Or do we want to recover our reflection in the mirror shine of gold, silver and copper? You invite us, Ana, to the embrace and the reflection. To the smile, to the amazement and to the question.
Are we continuing to build shelves and shelves where we will place our beauty, detained and unknown, until it is (dis)covered by another authorized look, that qualifies, classifies, orders and exposes us? Have we emerged from the tombs to remain dead?
I look at you, I look at myself, I surrender to your gaze and I recover myself in a millennial container-head that expresses the historical creative mastery, with which, Ana, you have conversed. You have caressed those anonymous faces wishing that they were yours, and ours. And so from your desire and your look, you have created them, without recreating them.
Then, the portrait, my portrait, your portrait, their portrait, become deep mirrors, where there will always be a shadow that is ours. A collective shadow that scares us and summons us, that appears to be recognized and named when the creative light manages to illuminate it. A real contrast appears, vital, powerful, and necessary. And that is when our textures, our brightness, our colors, our expressions, our stories, begin to (co)habit.